
How to Create a Social Media Marketing Strategy for Your Business

Learn to create a social media strategy and increase the profitability of your business (and not just the number of followers) of your business!
Cómo crear una estrategia de marketing en medios sociales para tu negocio

Table of Contents

What is a social media strategy and why does your business require one? How to achieve the social and commercial objectives of your business through social media platforms? What are the exact steps to develop a successful social media strategy?

The secret key to the success of any marketing campaign is one: have a good strategy.

Without strategy, you will be posting on social media for the sheer pleasure of doing it. Without knowing what the objectives are, who your audiences are and what they want will make it much more difficult to achieve the results that your business really pursues on social media.

Although there are many options to buy followers, visits and interactions from your online store, we recommend options that really improve your social reputation, such as developing your brand from start to finish through social media or raising your skills as a marketer, and to Therefore, developing a marketing strategy is essential.

Find out the reason for your business to be on social media

As in any strategy, the first step is to be clear about the "why" to be able to associate it with the goals in social media. You need to know if you are going to use social media to promote your solution, to boost your website traffic or to serve customers.

Typically, one of the following goals is set (although you may have several at the same time):

  1. Increase brand awareness
  2. Drive traffic to your website
  3. Generate new leads
  4. Develop profit (by increasing registrations or sales)
  5. Drive brand engagement
  6. Build a community around your business
  7. Offer social customer service
  8. Increase mentions in the press
  9. Hear conversations about the brand

You will be able to tackle one or more goals depending on the size of your team and their ability to reach different goals at the same time.

Be clear about who your audiences are

When you know the reason why your strategy will exist, the next thing is to clarify who or who are your target audiences.

It is important to know in advance who you are going to address, so that later you have it easier when you have to decide what, where and when you are going to publish it.

For example, if a food and recipe brand knows that its audience loves reading about new dishes and cooking tips, it could post such content on their social media profiles.

This is where the great importance of person-buyer profiles comes in. With the approach of these profiles, you can perfectly understand who you are addressing your messages to through a semi-fictitious representation of the ideal client of your business. You will be able to know who they are, what interests them about what you can offer, where they usually spend their time online, what type of content you can offer them, and why and how they consume the content.

Depending on whether your business has been in operation for a while, or Did you just start a business, you may not have to start from scratch. Surely you have an idea of the audiences of your business and what can be useful to publish for them.

Establish what type of content you are going to publish

When it comes to developing a social media strategy, in addition to having to differentiate between the different types of content you plan to share, such as images or videos, it is also important that you have a very clear theme.

Generally, the most robust social media strategies revolve the brand around a main theme. Having several topics is also totally valid to have space to publish a wide range of content that keeps your audience engaged without getting bored or overwhelmed.

For this, it is essential to understand your audience perfectly and for this you have to know what their goals and challenges are, and how you can help them solve them.

Discover in which social networks your business needs to be present

When you know what type of content you are going to share it is time to determine where you are going to post it. In other words, it's time to find out which social media platforms best fit your brand.

Many people think that for a social media strategy to be effective it is necessary to have a presence in each and every one of the existing social networks. That can be a mistake, as audiences are rarely present on all social media. At the same time, fewer platforms means a better approach to creating higher quality content.

Understand your target audience

  • On which platforms are your audiences most active?
  • What makes them visit that platform?

Consider the X factor of your brand

  • Are you one in photography, editing videos or writing content?

Recognize when is the optimal time to post

The last part of a successful social media strategy is figuring out when is the best time to share your content. Here it helps to do some research on when is the best time to post.

To decide the exact time of day and days of the week that your content generates the most reactions, you have to study the behavior of your target audience and thus know when they usually use social media and what type of content you need to share with them.

And that's it!

You already have your social media strategy ready, but that's not all. Now that you know where you are going, it is the step of deciding how to get there.

Complete and personalize your profiles on social networks, setting the tone and voice of your brand, knowing what kind of posts you should use… it's just the beginning, but it's the main step in helping you achieve your business and social media goals.

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