
How to be a good salesperson

Do you want to increase your sales and do not know how? Discover our complete manual to increase sales and become an unstoppable salesperson easily.
Como ser el mejor vendedor de todos los tiempos

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Although one of the most offered jobs today is that of a salesperson or commercial, few are the people who manage to achieve success within this profitable sector.

The main objective of all the companies on the planet is only one: to sell more.

Revenues are born from sales and with them comes the growth of the company, hence thousands of new sales positions are required every day that only a lucky few are really able to take advantage of.

We have all heard at some time that the only salesperson that is worth is the one who knows how to sell well, but what did these people who make thousands of euros a month thanks to the commissions from the sale of each product do to be truly successful salespeople?

To be a good salesperson you have to focus on one thing only: sell more.

I'll tell you a secret: anyone can be a salesperson, since anyone can become a brilliant salesperson. The reality is that most of the times, companies do not even ask for specific training or previous experience for the position, since what is really important for this job is the number of sales that you are able to close each month.

So, if we already know that to be a good seller you just have to sell more, what can we do to achieve it?

11 steps to become a foolproof salesperson

Learning to sell more is much easier for those who have learned to sell themselves. Just striving to easily sell your ideas, projects or proposals in a clear and convincing way is the only way to grow your sales.

Increasing your sales and becoming a great salesperson is very simple if we assume from the beginning that the product we are offering is the ideal one for the potential customer.

1. Know and believe in what you are selling

You cannot sell something that you do not know or do not know why it is good for someone.

Customers detect the attitude you have so it is essential that you believe that what you are selling is good, then you only need to project it to your consumers. The product is the vehicle that takes you to the stop of your objective which is the sale, therefore you must drive it in the best possible way. This means that you should know everything about him, his virtues, his defects ... the better you know him, the better it will work for you.

Take a few minutes to get to know the product and the company itself. Falling in love with what you sell is the only way your buyers will fall in love.

2. Security and trust

Believing in yourself and your words is the first step to carry out the sale of a product.

You need to believe what you say, as this will make outsiders believe too. A person who thinks negatively and has a bad image of himself will reflect this same image on his product.

In sales work there are many men and women who seek to achieve success without knowing themselves, therefore you will be able to convince your client but you will not communicate emotionally with him. A salesperson with positive, assertive and communicative self-esteem will be able to connect with his client and communicate with him on an emotional level.

3. Cultivate your self-esteem and collect your image

Self-esteem is the image, perception, feelings, thoughts and evaluations that we make about ourselves.

To have a positive and healthy self-esteem, we must take care of it by carrying out actions for personal development:

  • Family relationships. To establish relationships with customers, you must first clean up relationships with those closest to us.
  • Daily exercise. Necessary for our health and to release stress and worries by channeling energy.
  • Eat 5 meals a day and avoid junk food that not only affects our body but also our most powerful tool, our mind.
  • Eliminate tobacco and alcohol to keep the body clean.
  • Read self-improvement and self-help books. There is nothing better to know yourself than to begin to discover our interior
  • Training daily, reading essays, testimonials from successful people, attending conferences and expanding knowledge

4. Commitment to your customers

When you commit to someone and you do not fulfill it, you are not really fulfilling yourself, which implies that your word is not valid. This directly affects our image and our confidence in ourselves.

Consumers decide based on “who they buy from” instead of “what they buy”, therefore the role of the seller is essential in the process and the image it projects. It depends on him whether a service is carried out or not, so he plays a very important role and if he knows how to play his cards he knows how to get what he wants.

5. Values present in a good seller

Values constitute the personality, thoughts and ideas of people.

A seller with values is a great professional, since they create a commitment with himself and with the consumer. If values and principles are present in the service, customers will undoubtedly be most grateful and sales success will be ensured.

Assertiveness: it is a form of communication in which the person does not attack or submit to the will of other people, but rather manifests their convictions and defends their rights, understanding and respecting the freedom and rights of others. The assertive person does not expose others to psychological control, well like some salespeople who manipulate their customers and this is the last thing we want. Sales made with manipulation patterns are those that are canceled or canceled by the customer. By being assertive you will be giving a high degree of authenticity to the product, since you are being authentic by expressing it in the best possible way.

Self-knowledge: live without emotional charges, without feelings of anger or frustration to be connected with the present moment and focused on the goals you want to achieve. Accepting the person that we are makes us be confident people who gradually get closer to their goals at every step.

Resilience: Resilience is the ability of humans to flexibly face adverse situations and emotional pain. A good salesperson is continually exposed to customer no and rejection. It is well necessary to have this ability and to work it to exercise successfully in this work and not to be psychologically damaged when they give you a no or an unexpected answer.

6. Create a project

A project gives a reason to everything we do and everything we strive for.

It is important to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and why, taking into account all the barriers that we may encounter along the way.

Having a personal project is a motivation to the seller as well as security about the product and the company with which they work. A good seller is one who does not have the need to sell, but wants to sell, so he goes with confidence and enthusiasm.

7. Relationship with the client

Would you buy something from someone who has no empathy for you? That is the first question to ask yourself.

When we sit in front of our clients it is necessary that we pay careful attention to every detail, every gesture, what worries them, what satisfies them. This is part of our mission to put ourselves in their shoes and see what they have and what they want to achieve.

Once this preliminary analysis is done, we must highlight each of the needs they present and focus or adapt them to our service or product that we offer. We need to know who we sell to to see why and what we sell to you for.

Customers are never the same, so you have to pay attention to the personality of each one. Extroverted customers tend to get involved in the sales process, while introverts prefer to manage it from a more distant point of view.

One trick is to try to respond with the same level of enthusiasm that the customer's words convey.

8. No more excuses

 Next we will mention a ranking of the most used excuses of people who are examples of bad sellers:

  1. “That method doesn't work for me. The same goes for you but I have my own technique. "
  2. “The fault is not mine, it is the fault of others. It's not my fault that they don't want to buy the product. "
  3. “They envy me. My colleagues are very competitive and steal my sales. "
  4. "Not worth it. It is not worth reading, it is not worth attending training courses, it is not worth changing. "
  5. “I already know that. No one is going to come and tell me anything that I don't already know. "

Do these phrases sound familiar to you? They are the refrain of our excuses to justify our mistakes and keep doing things wrong for fear of change.

A good salesperson does not know these words in his vocabulary, he recognizes and accepts his mistakes by learning from them, observes his colleagues and studies the strategies that are most effective and in which cases they are most effective.

9. Prices to pay

Once we have our goal set and built in detail, we must become aware of the prices to pay to reach it. On many occasions, people do not get what they want because they are not willing to pay what it entails, so they abandon their dreams and surrender to what society tells them.

A good salesperson has to be willing to pay a price to become a true sales professional.

Let's take the example of a Marisa, who wants to be a judge. To do this, you must be aware that you will have to study for years at the law university and obtain a legal degree, you will have to work in a law firm for a few years and once you have gained experience you will have to take an exam to access the position of jurisdiction. For this, you will need to study many subjects, prepare for the exam thoroughly, and it may take a few years.

The same happens with an engineer, a notary or a surgeon, there is no professional from birth. All of them have required effort and time to learn to be good professionals.

This idea is one that many salespeople who fail to shine for their sales index forget. A good salesperson knows that it will take time, experience and make mistakes to achieve their objectives and this is not done quickly but requires a process and a mind open to knowledge.

As sales knowledge accumulates, we discover that more things we need to know, so salespeople who have discovered this begin to improve their strategies and seek new information.

10. The smile to conquer

It is true that an overactive smile can cause distrust and distance in the client because he perceives that he is not being sincere and therefore what he says is not sincere.

When we speak of a smile, we refer to spontaneous, simple, warm smiles that create a warm atmosphere and can mean that a relationship of trust has been established between the seller and the consumer. Laughter conveys empathy, clarity, sincerity, and spontaneity.

The best way to smile naturally is to explain any characteristic in all kinds of detail and then exemplify it with a specific image or example. This makes the client feel that he is not being misled, since there is nothing to hide and the information that is being transmitted to him is transparent.

Humor is a tool that usually helps to bring confidence towards us. Each person has a different humor, so before getting into this field we must be very careful, using a general and neutral humor that does not offend or feel offended anyone.

If we know how to use it well, it can be our wild card that leads us to the client's yes.

11. Speak positively

On many occasions it has happened to us to go somewhere or meet someone and that just after talking to that person we feel tired, sad or, on the contrary, happy, more optimistic. Well, this happens because by coming into contact with the vibration of these types of people, we have affected our energy field.

A word that uses negative words like "bad", "horrible" and other expressions that convey negativity and bad energy is not comforting. We transmit all this to the client, therefore we must always speak positively avoiding expressions that denote complaint, sadness or drama. That makes the client move away from us or creates a loaded and tense climate.

Instead of highlighting the negative aspects, we must focus the client towards the benefits, the positive things that he is overlooking.

Instead of “it is a complicated business” or “it is a bad decision” we can say it is “an interesting sale” and “the other decision seems more advantageous”.

What we want to convey to our clients is well-being and a positive relationship with what we are offering.

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