
How to treat insomnia with hypnosis

Another morning with eyes wide? That ends today. Find out what hypnosis is and how you can use it to treat your sleep problems. You have two alternatives: go to a hypnotherapist or practice self-hypnosis. We explain the differences and tell you what you can do for now!
Cómo usar la hipnosis para tratar el insomnio

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Are you up all night and that is affecting your daily routine? Do you think your sleep problems are turning into something worse and are you looking for an effective solution? What can hypnosis do for your insomnia and what alternatives do you have to use it?

Hypnosis has become very popular with those who are looking for an effective remedy for insomnia.

For years, hypnotherapy has been used both to treat addictionssuch as problems with smoking or alcohol; as for treat anxiety-related issues or stress.

The hypnosis for insomnia part of the idea that this abnormal lack of sleep is a learned habit that is part of the individual's habitual behavior ... and this is where hypnosis works.

Really? Does hypnosis cure insomnia?

Having insomnia problems It can be seen as a series of acquired behaviors whose nature is found in issues such as the time you go to bed or the quality of your sleep.

If you think that eventual insomnia is becoming a chronic issue, just like you can use hypnosis in the face of shyness or anxiety, but you can also use it to readjust your attitude towards what prevents you from sleeping normally.

How to apply hypnosis to sleep problems

To begin with, you should know that hypnosis will only have a satisfactory result if you really commit to it.

Through hypnotherapy you go through a combination of states, where relaxation, the state of tarnce and suggestion play a very important role.

  • Relaxation allow yourself to calm down in such a way that you allow your mind and body go into a hypnotic state, asleep or drowsy.
  • The trance state it is any state of consciousness other than the conscious state. The trance can happen either voluntarily or involuntarily.
  • Suggestion it is the process by which a thought or idea influences a specific mental or physical state.

Many people confuse hypnosis with meditation. Although both terms can be confused, there is a difference that makes them unique.

Although both include relaxation, when you practice meditation You do not seek to achieve a purpose or attempt to achieve the goal of modifying or altering a thought or pattern.

Self-hypnosis or hypnotherapy?

There are some differences between practicing self-hypnosis and seeing a hypnotherapist.

The best solution is to go to your doctor and explain your insomnia symptoms. After that, you can talk about possible therapies and, specifically, about hypnosis.

One of the most widely used therapies today are those of a cognitive-behavioral nature.

Hypnosis for insomnia is within this type of therapy. It is a treatment without drugs. Through cognitive-behavioral therapy to alter your behavior patterns, you may be able to solve your sleep problems.

The emergence of the Internet and the development of telecommunications has allowed many psychological issues to be dealt with even from miles away. The hypnosis online from home is an alternative to treat any emotional problem in a remote way, without having to go to a consultation.

3 ways to use self-hypnosis to fall asleep

Take a deep breath

Taking a deep breath will make our mind work more slowly. Focus on your heartbeat while you do it and if you do it right you may fall asleep in less than 30 minutes.

Put your internal dialogue on pause

Something that we all love is getting into bed and turning everything over.

What we have done that day, what we would like to see happen tomorrow, what we could have done in a certain situation or what it would have been like if we had acted differently.

For a person with insomnia, it is impossible to stop that inner voice that speaks to us.

How to silence the internal dialogue?

Very easy. Just imagine that your eyes are closed and that you are trying to sleep.

Use your peripheral vision

If you find it impossible to stop the inner conversation, then you can try this.

Notice a point on the ceiling and, while looking at it, try to see the objects within your peripheral vision. Now you have to make an effort to change your perception, so that the area also includes what is behind you and in the rest of the whole room.

Other ways to do it easily

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