
How to hypnotize: 4 infallible steps to hypnotize someone

Art or science? We discover what hypnosis is and review the best techniques so that you can hypnotize anyone with no previous experience.
Cómo hipnotizar

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Is Hypnosis Real? Is it true that anyone can hypnotize and be hypnotized? What are the keys to getting someone to reach a deep trance state? How can we use hypnotism for the benefit of others as well as for our own?

Hypnosis is the induction to a state of unconsciousness where the person apparently loses his capacity for voluntary action and is highly inclined to follow suggestions and instructions.

It is usually used in therapy and, in general, it serves to recover lost memories or to modify behavior, although this, even today, remains a controversial issue.

The good news is that hypnotizing is easier than you might think. At the end of the day, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis and, contrary to what general culture would have us believe, hypnosis does not mean mind control or super powers.

Although on the net we can find a multitude of high-quality sources regarding this topic, such as Hypnosis Online, HypnoMediaIn this article we will review, step by step, what you must do to be able to hypnotize anyone for the first time.

Hypnotists guide the subject to an extraordinary level of relaxation until the participant falls into a trance state. The progressive relaxation method is one of the most effective ways to hypnotize anyone even without previous experience.

Preparing the hypnosis session

It is difficult to try to hypnotize someone if that person does not want or believe in your work. People tend to be more prejudiced about being hypnotized, especially if you are a beginner hypnotist, but hypnosis can be used to treat insomnia or to overcome shyness.

Find someone who wants to be hypnotized

If you find someone who is willing to undergo a hypnotism session with you, you will know it because they will be patient and calm while waiting for the best results.

It is best to avoid trying to hypnotize someone with recognized mental disorders, as this can lead to unpredictable or even dangerous situations.

Make sure you find the optimal spot.

Hypnosis works best when the participant is in a state of security and without distractions from the main subject.

Use a dim light for the room and try to avoid anything that might distract you. Turning off mobile phones, closing doors and windows to avoid noise and avoiding other people are very effective recommendations to take into account before hypnotizing another person.

Report on the details.

Film and television have instilled inaccurate ideas about what exactly hypnosis is.

Truly, with hypnosis we get an ideal tool to try to bring clarity to the questions and problems that affect the subconscious of our participant.

Hypnosis is present in our lives much more than we imagine, since, surely, even you have fallen into this state while watching a movie or when you were listening to music.

Make the following clear:

  • The hypnotized person is never asleep or unconscious.
  • The hypnotist can never take control of your decisions.
  • The participant will never do something he does not want.

Be interested in what the hypnotized person wants to achieve

Hypnosis has been shown to be helpful in reduce anxious thoughts and it even has beneficial effects on the strength of the immune system.

It helps improve concentration and can be used in times of stress to achieve a greater state of relaxation. But only by knowing the true motivations of the other person will you be able to incur a true state of trance.

Check if the person has been hypnotized before

If they answer affirmatively, it will help you to know how he did it and what kinds of answers he gave.

This will let you know what level of predisposition you can expect and will help you know what to do and what things are best to avoid.

Usually people who have been hypnotized before are easier to hypnotize again.

Inducing the trance state

Don't be in a rush to communicate, as hypnosis will only work if you maintain a proper tone of voice.

Communicate slowly and quietly

Make the syllables a little longer than usual and imagine that you are trying to calm someone who is terrified or has a great concern. It is important to maintain this tone throughout the interaction.

Some ways to get started are these:

  • «Let yourself be enveloped by my words and take my suggestions as your own wishes.»
  • «Everything is going to be fine since I am going to make sure of it. Here everything is safe, it is calm and there is peace. You will feel so relaxed that it will be as if you sink into the sofa on which you are. "
  • «Your eyes begin to feel more and more heavy and want to close. Let your body calm down and listening to my voice your muscles also begin to relax more and more. »
  • «You are in control of everything that happens. Just accept the suggestions that are going to be of benefit to you and that you really want to accept. "

Ask you to focus on your deep breathing

Breathing is a crucial point when hypnotizing someone. Therefore, you should try to get your participant to breathe deeply and in an orderly manner. You can help by exemplifying how he should breathe.

You should try to be as specific as possible and breathe deeply as you tell him to do the same, and to breathe slowly until his lungs are full. Then expire until all the air comes out.

The reason that breathing is so important during a hypnotism session is that it allows oxygen to reach the brain and allows the person to focus on what is truly important.

Ask me to look at a point

It is often very helpful to ask the person to choose whatever object is in their field of vision and to rest their eyes on it. If your participant feels relaxed enough, it is okay for them to close their eyes. From time to time, it is important to pay attention to their eyes, as they will help you as a guide.

Get him to relax every part of his body

Once you have made him feel calm, breathe slowly and your voice has adopted the right tone, it is time to relax his body starting with his feet. You have to get him to loosen his muscles one by one.

Make it a point to relax the person a bit more.

Now begins the time to give instructions in the form of suggestions. Despite everything you have to say to him, the important thing is to make him feel so relaxed that his concentration is focused on each inhale and exhale.

  • «Your eyelids every time they weigh more. They are so heavy that you are going to drop them. "
  • "Allow yourself to enter a deep peaceful state of calm trance."
  • «Little by little, you will feel a state of greater and greater relaxation. You may feel that your weight is increasing, and that relaxation is gradually coming to you. And as you keep talking, this feeling will grow stronger, until it brings you into a deep and peaceful state of maximum relaxation. "

Use your breathing and body language to understand your state of mind

You should repeat your suggestions several times, as if it were the chorus of a song, until you notice that your participant is completely relaxed.

Check their eyes and fingers for signs of tension. You can also check her breathing to ensure that she continues to feel calm and relaxed.

Take him down the "hypnotic staircase"

Many hypnotherapists use this technique to reach a deep state of trance.

Ask your participant to imagine himself in a cozy room where there is a staircase going down in front of him. For each step you take, the greater your state of relaxation. Guide your subject up this ladder to get them to relax as much as possible.

Helping the hypnotized person

People usually remember what happens during the hypnosis session, so there may be things that your participant is not comfortable with.

Be aware that asking someone who is hypnotized to do something not only doesn't work, it is a violation of their trust.

Hypnosis, despite this, also has multiple therapeutic uses beyond the typical shows we see in movies or on television.

Try to get your participant to relax and let go of the problems that plague him, rather than treating it as part of a game or joke.

Keep in mind that even suggestions made with the best possible intention can have unintended consequences if you are not sure what you are doing.

Hypnosis helps lower anxiety levels

Hypnosis is practical for reduce stress levels and anxiety, no matter what you do. The simple act of reaching deep relaxation, without pretending to fix something, is beneficial in bringing out your problems and concerns, and thus analyzing them from a different perspective.

Ask him to visualize the best solutions to what he worries

Many times it is better to ask someone to feel as if your problem has already been resolved rather than asking them to correct it. This way you will know what future he prefers and what changes he is willing to make to achieve it.

Remember that hypnosis can be used for many types of mental afflictions.

Hypnosis can be used to treat phobias, addictions, solve self-esteem problems and even relieve different types of pain. Although you should not try to cure anyone, you should know that the hypnosis for pathologies it is an extraordinary tool to heal many people.

While some hypnotists help the subject by visualizing it through the recreation of a world without the presence of these disturbing issues, the healing process is always easier if the person wants to work on that issue before entering a trance state.

Don't forget that hypnosis is only a tiny part of any mental treatment.

The key to the success of hypnosis lies in relaxation and in the moment of correctly addressing the issue that worries your participant.

Both deep relaxation and focusing attention on your concern at the same time is what determines some results or others. However, hypnosis does not work miracles, so if the person is facing something serious or chronic, it is best to recommend visiting a certified professional.

Ending the hypnotism session

You don't want to suddenly break his relaxed state, so you will need to start making him aware of his surroundings little by little.

Helps you come out of the trance slowly

Ask him to wake up and become aware of everything when you count to five. If you think that his trance state is very high, you may need to take him up the stairs to regain his usual state of consciousness.

Take an interest in their experience in order to improve future hypnosis sessions

Now is the time to know what he has felt, so you can ask him to tell you how he feels now and how he has felt throughout your hypnosis session. This will help you to do better next time and to make your participant's experience better.

It is not about pushing for them to tell you, but about simply starting the conversation and waiting until they feel comfortable telling you how they have felt.

Prepare for the usual questions

A series of questions is always repeated, for which it is better to have a series of answers ready. This will make you feel more secure and confident and you will be able to respond without hesitation.

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