
How to keep your dog healthy and healthy always

Do you know everything you can do for your pet? Find out right now the best recommendations to keep your dog's environment in optimal conditions.
Cómo mantener a tu perro siempre sano y saludable

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Do you want your dog to live a long, happy and healthy life? What can you do to help make this happen? What are the best tips to help any dog feel happier and healthier?

It is normal that you want to take care of your dog in a way that ensures that it will be with you for a long time.

The reality is that there is a lot you can do to take care of your pet! Today you will learn the basics of how to maintain a good diet of high quality food for your dog, how to get the best preventive veterinary care, and everything you can do to provide your furry friend with a healthy and loving environment.

Spay or neuter your pet

Neutering prevents your pet from going into heat and can help prevent breast cancer, pyometra, or uterine infections. In male dogs it can soften their aggressive behavior and can help prevent testicular cancer, prostate disease and hernias.

Keep it close to healthy foods

There are certainly harmful foods for your dog: alcoholic beverages, chocolate, avocado, coffee, foods high in fat, macadamia nuts, onions, grapes ...

In addition to knowing what foods your dog needs to eat specifically (such as dog food), you also want to make sure you know what foods can be highly harmful to your pet, and keep them away from them at all costs.

Keep him up to date on vaccinations

The antibodies that are transmitted naturally through milk are exhausted once the first trimester of life is completed. Therefore, it is important that you vaccinate your dog to prevent a large number of common diseases (leptospirosis, distemper and parvovirus), but above all the most important vaccine is against rabies. Your veterinarian can also recommend vaccinations that can extend the life of your pet, such as kennel cough and Lyme disease.

Brush your teeth

Dental or gum problems emit their first signal through bad breath.

Food particles, saliva, and bacteria (plaque) that can build up on teeth and gums can lead to infection.

These infections can lead to cavities that affect the bloodstream, affecting your dog's heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, bones, and joints.

Check your pet's teeth and gums regularly, and talk to your vet to learn more about how to brush your pet's teeth.

Watch your weight

Physical exercise and healthy eating are not only essential for humans, but you also need to choose for your dog how much exercise he needs and what type of food he needs to eat.

Some health problems that dogs often face that are associated with being overweight are arthritis, liver disease, and coronary heart disease.

Your vet will recommend a combination of exercise with a change in diet to determine the best plan of action.

Get health checkups every week

What better way to avoid health problems than to monitor your pet from week to week?

You will have to inspect their skin. Look for swelling, scale, or scabs. Then he checks his ears and eyes for signs of redness or discharge.

If you detect anything out of the ordinary, contact your vet as soon as possible.


Visit the vet frequently

A healthy dog needs to visit the veterinarian regularly to ensure optimal health.

With a control of your dog's health, the veterinarian has the possibility of detecting any disease or health problem that can lead to more serious illnesses in the future.

Typically, the vet wants to know more about your dog's behavior, diet, and exercise habits. This will help you check your pet's vital statistics.

Exercise with him

While many people simply take it out for a walk a few times a day, walking and playing with your dog will keep your pet physically fit, mentally healthy, and will also encourage peaceful and conservative behaviors.

Physical exercise is also helpful in maintaining a healthy weight and heart. It also helps improve your muscle mass.

You will have to consider race, gender, age, and their health to understand their exercise requirements.

Deal with fleas and ticks

The problems that fleas can cause go much further than just itchy skin. Ticks can lead to allergies, anemia, and tapeworms. Therefore, you need to take advantage of the products available for plug control. Dosages will depend on the weight of your pet.

Against fleas, you have to take action against all your pets, and not just your dog.

Fleas are more prevalent in the hotter months, which means you'll need to pay more attention to these treatments in the summer.

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