How to tell if someone likes you based on their zodiac sign

Does that person like you or dislike you? We tell you absolutely all the secrets and find out right now if he likes you according to his zodiac sign.
Cómo saber si le gusta a alguien segun su signo del zodiaco

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Almost all of us have felt love at some time. While some do their best to keep that feeling a secret, others prefer to make their feelings clear.

When it comes to know if a man likes you or find out if a woman is interested in you, astrologers confirm that there are some behaviors that each zodiac sign adopts when they are secretly in love. If you want to know if someone you like is interested, astrology can shed some light on that question.

Each one has his own way of expressing infatuation by someone else, and while he may be adorable at times, he may be quirky at others. In any case, love is a pure and wonderful feeling that should never be ashamed of.

There are some signs that give away any person in love, no matter how hard they try to hide it. Even when kept silent, actions speak louder than words. Some signs, like Aries or Sagittarius, might want to keep it a secret. Cancer, Virgo and Scorpio are usually very subtle, but they could reveal some signs that reveal a deep interest in you.

When you already know your zodiac signIt's funny how many people overlook these characteristics in the other person, when they may be clear signs that someone has a deep crush on you. Next you will know what you need to look for to see if someone loves you, according to their zodiac sign.

Aries: the most sincere about it

Aries is one of the most outgoing, confident and striking signs out there. They tend to express their attraction to others without problem. We could say that it is the most advantageous sign of the entire Zodiac, since this fire sign loves to take the first step and make it clear if they like something or not.

An Aries will prepare every last detail to win. They enjoy winning over the person they like. In any case, they usually take the initiative.

Taurus: They will take it all as a joke

The sign of the bull is governed by the force of Venus. The Taurus remain immobile, only included by the energy of love, romance, the beauty that Venus represents.

Taurus people have very fine senses, so they will give some very revealing signals if they find themselves in front of someone they care about. They are usually masters of flirting, and although they need their space, if they get too close to you, they may interest them.

Gemini: They can go from cold to passionate in a second (and vice versa)

Geminis are based on equal opportunity. Their natural duality can show them as confused people. Gemini is depicted with two twins, so at the same time that one is attracted to you, the other is repelled.

You can take it as good news. When a Gemini behaves in a contradictory way, it means that they feel closer and closer to you. Gemini is an air sign, that's why they like to talk, but they also tend to communicate with their body language.

Cancer: the shyest

Cancerians love to go out of their way for others. Above all, try to conquer you with your stomach and you will be entertained with affection and gifts. His priority: that you feel maximum comfort.

Their cardinal energy inclines them to take action, as they are also a water sign. As such, they often come across as sensitive and shy people. When a Cancer likes someone, it is strange that they express it explicitly. They are usually very jealous of their personal space, but as soon as it detects that you escape, it will not take long to go straight to you.

Leo: They show themselves little by little

Leo, fire sign, popular for putting all the meat on the grill when they are interested in someone. Subtlety is not their best friend, so it is common for them to express their affection even in public. It is clear that if a Leo initiates physical contact, they will most likely love you.

Leo signs love to be the center of all eyes, especially when they like someone. If a Leo is chasing you, rest assured that it is because they are interested in you. And if when he is alone with you he is sweet, attentive and loving, then there is no doubt that he expects all that sweetness back.

Virgo: They will give everything for you trying to hide

Virgo people are usually restless and enthusiastic. They scrutinize you to find out everything about you: your patterns, habits, likes and dislikes. A Virgo loves you when they start doing everything for you, even without your asking. Virgo is a complacent sign, and is comfortable if everything is perfect for you. Although they may not be very direct at times, they are always looking for a way to get closer to you without you noticing.

Libra: they will mimic your every move

Libra is a sign influenced by Venus, so it is characteristic of these people to show themselves as they are. If a Venus likes you, they will do their best to make it clear. They are daring to make the first move, although they can act shy at times.

The Libra sign is associated with a classic version of romances. They enjoy the traditional, so it is not surprising that they invite you to a dinner, to see a movie or to walk in the park. Although this behavior may surprise many, the reality is that his actions are adorable and full of romance. They also tend to synchronize their movements, to find balance with you.

Scorpio: They will want to play a game

Scorpios are usually reserved and enigmatic people who when they like someone they are unable to hide it. They tend to communicate with their eyes at first when they are interested in another person. It is intriguing how they connect with you by placing everything strategically to execute precisely their first move. Everything is to check if the feeling is reciprocated. His intensity and passion is his star resource to keep your attention active.

Sagittarius - they'll let you know adorably

Sagittarius is a harbinger of freedom. They are usually people who always have things to do and never stop still. It is a very active sign that is often difficult to locate, so it may be difficult for you to identify its feelings. So if you take the first step, you're in luck: definitely and interesting.

Sagittarius like to express their feelings, as they are associated with archers who shoot arrows of truth. It is a fire sign, so they will be direct with you if they are interested in you. Above all, they love positive interactions.

Capricorn: you will be his highest priority

Capricorn is usually shown as a reserved and disciplined person. They save the fun for later, for when they have fulfilled their responsibilities. Sometimes they give themselves the opportunity to make room for someone else, but only when they are willing to invest for the long term.

Capricorn is an Earth sign, which means that their actions can sometimes be slow but steady. It is a sign that enjoys being sophisticated, but when a Capricorn takes an interest in you, it will make you feel like the most important being on the planet.

Aquarius: Restless in your presence

Aquarians have a private world that only those they care about allow access. This water sign is usually sociable, so you will always find a place among his friends.

If an Aquarius is interested in you, their behavior will change slightly. They have an easy detachment from emotional problems and a high ability to objectively solve problems. This can make them seem like cold people, but when an Aquarius starts to act restless or nervous, that's when you know they are in love.

Pisces: They will do their best to stay with you

Pisces know very well how to keep a secret. They are usually romantic people, hard to tell if they are in love or just rambling. The two fish that Pisces symbolizes represent freedom and time in solitude. But if they fall in love with you, you will know it because they will do their best to stay close. They do little favors for you to notice, so if you feel good around a Pisces, it may be because they like you.

It is evident that all signs can fall in love and that each one does it in their own way. If you want to know if a zodiac sign likes you, you just have to pay attention to their behavior.

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