
How to study faster

Is an exam coming up and you feel like you don't know anything? Know right now the most effective techniques to increase your study speed in a real way.
Cómo estudiar más rapido

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An exam is coming up and you have the feeling that you still don't know anything even though time is getting on you? What to do to make better use of our resources when preparing for an exam in record time? What are the secrets of all those who get such high marks on all their exams but never seem to study?

The obligation to study is one of the most boring things we have to do in life.

Today, the educational system forces us to study and absorb large amounts of information, sometimes unnecessary, and that we will forget shortly after taking the exam.

Until things change much we will have to find the most efficient way to assimilate that information to use it effectively and useful in our daily lives but, above all, to pass the tedious exams.

Do not worry if you have a hard test or you have little time left, since these routines can help you improve our results instantly.

8 secrets to study much more in less time

Each person has a different way of studying, depending on their ability to assimilate and retain information or their ability to memorize, perhaps one methodology or perhaps another is more convenient.

Fortunately, there are a number of techniques that anyone can use when facing the study of an imminent exam and pass it with absolute success.

1. Detect what is really important

Taking a first look at everything and being able to identify the priority content of high school means understanding what is most likely to enter the exam.

The key is not to know the 100 % of the subject to be evaluated, but to spend some time predicting what is going to fall to focus our efforts on understanding what is necessary to pass:

  • Do a general reading of the text, identifying general ideas and supporting ideas.
  • Underline what is most important. Everything may seem equally relevant, so try to eliminate things and keep the basics.
  • Use different colors to classify the sections and the order of relevance.
  • Identify what information the text gives you and keep it very clear in mind. Usually a global idea is explained and then it is accompanied by characteristic elements and details.

The goal is to get a condensed version that makes it easier to digest all the data in a more condensed way but that gives us guarantees that we can pass.

2. Simplify and you will win

Concept maps or schematics help us organize the information we receive.

Write main words that designate each section. When studying a lot of content, an outline prepared by ourselves will make it much easier for us to develop the topic.

3. View with maximum clarity

Visualizing what you are studying will help you better understand its meaning. Imagine a scene that shows what you are reading, the colors, the shapes, the shadows ... Even if you are studying physics or even language. Try to see and give details to your image.

There is a curious mnemonic method that helped me a lot when passing more than one exam with very good marks. The reality is that it is a technique as simple as it is effective and to put it to the test you only need to follow a few steps.

The palace of memories -o the loci method- is a powerful mnemonic technique that will help you lay all the foundations of your learning in an effective and really fun way.

To carry out this training, we will only have to:

  1. Choose a place that is familiar to us, such as our home, our study center or our work.
  2. Design a tour of the chosen place and assign each concept you want to learn to the imaginary objects that we place along the itinerary.
  3. To access each concept, you just have to go through your memory palace and access each memory quickly through the objects that you have placed in your imaginary rooms.

It is important that you always choose an object that does not really exist in every place in your palace. For example, if you choose to build your palace of memories using as a model the house where you live right now, you can recreate it in your mind exactly as it is, and imagine each concept as an object that is not really there, but can always be in anywhere, such as inside a drawer or under the bed. However, it is not advisable to abuse either and it is always better to use more rooms than to focus on one to dump all the information.

This technique is ideal when trying to remember due to the details that we are giving in our mind but, in any case, it is not an infallible method no matter how much fiction has tried to make us believe, however, with a little practice the truth is that it can give great results.

4. Tell someone

Either a friend, a family member or your pet. Explain what you have learned. There is no better way to learn something than to tell someone about it, giving explanations and arguments.

With a little involvement on both sides, you will be able to make better use of the time in your study sessions and it will be much easier for you to assimilate all the knowledge.

5. Take action!

This is where the study becomes meaningful.

Try to find the practical application of what you have studied. Try to spin your imagination and see in which life situations they could be used. The mere fact of looking for a practical utility will make the knowledge much more fixed in your memory.

Simulating a real exam case will help you put yourself in context and really see what he has really learned. Try to make everything as close to reality as possible: a desk in a quiet place and set an alarm to notify you that the exam is over. This is undoubtedly the best way to find out if we are fully prepared for the official test.

6. Always think about the end

Motivation plays a fundamental role, since it is the fuel that drives us to go on and on.

It is important that you keep in mind why you do it. Close your eyes and visualize yourself passing the exam. Think about the personal satisfaction you are going to feel. This will help you in difficult times to keep moving forward and reach your goal.

7. Take advantage of your strengths

Maybe in the morning, in the afternoon or at night. There are times of day when we are able to perform more.

Use those moments to get down to business and give the 100% of your performance.

8. Allow yourself the pleasure of relaxing

Rest, both for the mind and for the body, is essential when studying.

Remember to sleep a minimum of 8 hours a day to achieve your maximum capacity for concentration. You can use some relaxation techniques such as meditation or music to get a better rest before going to bed.

The key to a sure pass is an efficient study of the exam material, for that reason, counting on the best techniques you will make sure you get a grade so high that you can't even imagine it.

Other ways to do it easily

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